Book LindiMoo Moosic® in 2 easy steps:
Step 1
Find available dates on the calendar
Step 2
Fill in the Booking Form below
LindiMoo Moosic® Booking Form
INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in 1 to 12 booking dates below then SCROLL TO THE END. The more dates you book the bigger your discount. Please remember to include all contact information and CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON at the bottom
For Venues **within 30 miles of Everett, WA
1 Hour
Session Rates
1-2 Shows - $240 ea
3-5 Shows - $216 ea
6+ Shows - $204 ea
Holiday Rate - $290 ea
1 Hour
Session Rates
1-2 Shows - $270 ea
3-5 Shows - $243 ea
6+ Shows - $229 ea
Holiday Rate - $320 ea
For Venues worldwide
1 Hour
Session Rates
1-2 Shows - $199 ea
3-5 Shows - $179 ea
6+ Shows - $169 ea
Holiday Rate - $249 ea
½ Hour
Session Rates
1-2 Shows - $149 ea
3-5 Shows - $134 ea
6+ Shows - $127 ea
Holiday Rate - $199 ea
$144 each additional hour --- $86 each additional 1/2 hour
$162 each additional hour --- $97 each aditional 1/2 hour
**Please contact LindiMoo for rates outside the 30 mile radius. Tour Rates and mileage fees will apply. (Ask about our lower Group Rates for multiple communities in the same area)